Lausanne, Switzerland





Discover the profound journey of Lithuanian Ice Dancers Allison Reed and Saulius (Saul) Ambrulevičius, as they navigate the complex emotions of loss and resilience within their careers. In a deeply personal conversation, Allison opens up about the profound impact of her brother Chris's passing on her life and skating journey. Despite the deep grief, Alisson found solace and purpose in continuing to skate, channeling her emotions into her performances on the ice.

Saul shares his perspective on their unique bond forged in the aftermath of Chris's death. Through their shared passion for Ice Dance, Allison and Saul found a pathway to healing, using their sport as a powerful tool to cope with their grief and navigate life's challenges. Their story underscores the transformative nature of sports, showcasing how athletic pursuits can transcend competition to become sources of personal growth and emotional healing.

Cathy Reed, Allison's sister, shares how Chris's passing has affected her family and strengthen her bond with her sister. Cathy was Chris's Ice Dance partner for most of their career and is now a Coach in Japan. 

Watch the video below to witness Alisson and Saul's heartfelt conversation about loss, friendship, and the healing power of ice dancing. Experience firsthand how their shared experiences have shaped their careers and strengthened their resolve on and off the ice.