Press Release
Media Accreditation Process Open for season 2024/25
07 Oct 2024
We are pleased to announce that the ISU Online Media Accreditation System (OMAS) is now open for the 2024/25 season. All media professionals wishing to cover ISU events across all disciplines must submit their applications via the OMAS via this page here.
Important Note: Please use the specific links below to apply for credentials for the following Figure Skating events:
ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating - Skate America
ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating - Skate Canada international
ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating - NHK Trophy
When registering or applying, please ensure all required press credentials are uploaded. If you already have an OMAS account, please update your credentials for the new season. Late applications will not be accepted, and incomplete or outdated profiles may result in processing delays or in your request being declined.
Application Requirements:
Accreditation will only be granted to professional journalists, photographers (print/web, TV/Radio), and select content creators and social media reporters covering ISU events for editorial or news purposes. Representatives from ISU Member federations acting as media for their press and communication activities will also be considered.
Please note that individuals not affiliated with a recognized media organization and representing sponsors, brands, athlete representatives, or private social media influencers will not be accredited.
Required Documentation:
All media applicants must upload the following documents:
- Endorsement letter from the editor-in-chief (pdf, png, jpeg) - Mandatory
- Copy of current professional media or journalist card (pdf, png, jpeg) – If available
- Copy of ID + portrait photo (pdf, png, jpeg) - Mandatory
- Examples of published work/portfolios (pdf or web links) - Mandatory
- Any additional documentation required by the host country (e.g., sanitary certifications/testing) – If needed
Restrictions for Non-Right Holders:
Non-Right Holders media (print/web journalists, photographers, etc.) must adhere to specific rules during ISU events. These include restrictions on filming in competition areas, practice sessions, and other designated spaces. Authorized areas for filming and photography are limited to the press conference room and outside the venue.
Special permissions for interviews or filming in restricted areas may be granted on a case-by-case basis. Requests must be submitted to the ISU Media Team ( at least one week prior to the event.
Television and Radio Right Holders:
Right Holders must also apply for accreditation through OMAS and should contact the ISU Media Team ( for login details to access the Right Holders area.
For further information on the media accreditation process and documents please visit our dedicated page here.
We look forward to your coverage of the ISU 2024/25 season!