Lausanne / Switzerland

As announced by ISU President, Jae Youl Kim during the 2024 ISU Congress, the ISU will increase the annual C Contribution to US$ 30,000 per Branch, effective from 2024. This increase includes dedicated funds specifically for implementing Athlete Safeguarding measures.

Additional C Contribution for Athlete Safeguarding Funding Allocation:

  • ISU Members - one Branch: US$ 5’000
  • ISU Members - both Branches: US$ 10’000


Key Requirements for Accessing Funds:

To receive these additional funds, ISU Members must commit to:

  1. Adopt an Athlete Safeguarding Policy aligned with ISU guidelines.
  2. Implement Safeguarding Procedures to enforce the policy.
  3. Train a Safeguarding Lead within the federation. Free available courses at ISU eRink or at this link.
  4. Create a Communication Plan to raise safeguarding awareness.
  5. Provide Safeguarding Education to Skaters, Coaches, and related parties (highly recommended).


Payment and Reporting:

Payments will be made from January 1, 2025 and the funds must be used exclusively for Safeguarding initiatives. Detailed reports on fund usage are due by November 1, 2026.


Resources and Support:

For assistance, contact Cristina Ibarra, ISU Safeguarding Officer, at

For more detailed information, see Communication 2660.

This initiative is a significant step towards ensuring a safe environment for all athletes in ISU sports. We encourage all ISU Members to engage fully with this program.

For questions, reach out to us at  or