Neuchâtel, Suisse




Making their debut on the international stage, New Zealand’s Team Titanium achieved a significant milestone at the ISU World Junior Synchronized Skating Championships 2024 in Neuchatel, Switzerland. As the first New Zealand team to participate in an ISU Championship, their journey from local novices to world-stage contenders is nothing short of inspirational.

Synchronized Skating, the youngest sport under the International Skating Union's umbrella, has only recently begun to develop in New Zealand. With limited exposure and competition experience, Team Titanium faced substantial hurdles. Before this Championship, the team had only competed in two international competitions, but this lack of extensive competition did not deter their spirit.

Led by Coach Tracy Hipkiss, Team Titanium overcame initial setbacks to deliver a standout performance that captivated the audience. Their journey, characterized by resilience and a strong team bond, highlights the challenges and triumphs of entering a global arena with limited prior competition experience. Their collective effort and determination paid off spectacularly in Neuchatel, where they not only participated but also set a new personal best for the team.

This film delves into Team Titanium’s groundbreaking expedition to Neuchatel, capturing the emotional and athletic peaks and valleys of the competition weekend. Viewers can expect an intimate look into the team’s dynamics, the strategic intricacies of synchronized skating, and the personal stories of the skaters and their coach. This story serves as a testament to the power of perseverance and belief — a true inspiration for upcoming athletes in the sport and beyond.