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Australia’s Ekaterina Alexandrovskaya, 20, who tragically died on July 17, 2020, was a talented Pair Skater who, together with her partner Harley Windsor, wrote Figure Skating history for her adopted country.

Jul 21, 2020

Since the last ISU Council meeting on July 6, the ISU has been informed of increased travel and entry restrictions which would seriously complicate the travel of Junior Skaters with the consequence that some ISU Members simply cannot or do not feel comfortable to send Junior teams to the remaining ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating countries.

Jul 20, 2020

It is with profound sadness that the ISU learned of the sudden and unexpected passing of pair skater Ekaterina Alexandrovskaya (AUS).

Jul 18, 2020

The ISU Skating Awards campaign deemed a success with a reach of over 10 million and 16 million impressions over three weeks and over 150,000 live stream views within 24 hours of the live broadcast of the show.

Jul 16, 2020

Lara van Ruijven, Short Track Speed Skater from the Netherlands, who tragically passed away last week aged 27, was one of her country’s brightest sporting talents.

Jul 15, 2020

Following the announcement from the General Administration of Sport of China last week, the ISU received clarification through its Chinese counterparts regarding the ISU Events scheduled to be held in China in 2020.

Jul 13, 2020

Yuzuru Hanyu (JPN/Most Valuable Skater), Gabriella Papadakis/Guillaume Cizeron (FRA/Most Entertaining Program), Alena Kostornaia (RUS/Best Newcomer) and Madison Chock/Evan Bates (USA/Best Costume) are the winning skaters of the inaugural ISU Skating Awards for the 2019/20 season. The Best Coach Award went to Eteri Tutberidze (RUS) while Shae-Lynn Bourne (CAN) was crowned best choreographer. Four-time World Champion and Canadian skating legend Kurt Browning received the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Jul 11, 2020

The ISU learned of the tragic news that Lara van Ruijven, the Dutch Short Track Speed Skating World Champion, passed away on July 10, 2020.

Jul 10, 2020

Don’t miss the live show to find out which nominees will win an ISU Skating Award. The inaugural event will be held digitally on July 11, 2020 on the ISU Skating Awards page from 16:00 CEST.

Jul 10, 2020

Like the athletes in the Limelight of the ISU Skating Awards, Aloe Blacc inspires audiences around the world, but with a different type of performance. He is a singer, rapper, producer, songwriter and philanthropist. He has earned his global fame with hit songs such as “I Need Dollar” and for “Wake Me Up” and “SOS, for which he collaborated with the late Avicii. The audience of the ISU Skating Awards will have the honour of discovering his brand new single “My Way”, that he will perform Live on the ISU Skating Awards on July 11, 2020, that will be Streamed on ISU Skating Awards page from 16:00 CEST.

Jul 09, 2020

An Kai remembers the moment he first walked into the towering Bird’s Nest stadium during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. An was just 12 at the time, and the local roller skating team he competed for in his home town of Jinan, Shandong province, in eastern China, had organized a trip to watch the opening ceremony.

Jul 08, 2020

Some amazing moments were captured during the ISU Short Track Speed Skating season. Take a look at them in motion with a short compilation. 

Jul 03, 2020

Cancellation of the ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating, Yokohama (JPN) - September 16-19, 2020

Jul 02, 2020

In Speed Skating the athletes were lucky enough to finish the 2019/20 season before the entire sporting world came to a halt due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Their Short Track Speed Skating colleagues were less fortunate, as the ISU World Short Track Speed Skating Championships 2020 in Seoul had to be cancelled. However, it didn't stop top athletes from training, but just in a different way. The “Keep Training!” series launched in April turned out to be a huge success. Some of the best coaches, champions and specialists in sports psychology and mental performance provided free online training for athletes and coaches to prepare. Thousands of viewers followed the live training sessions.

Jul 01, 2020

The International Skating Union (ISU) reveals the three nominees in each category of the ISU Skating Awards 2020 which will take place on July 11, 2020 and will be Live Streamed on ISU Skating Awards page from 16:00 CEST.

Jun 25, 2020