Tallinn, Estonia


The fifth edition of the Pure as Ice 2019/20 took place at the ISU World Figure Skating Championships in Tallinn, Estonia at the Viru Sokos hotel (Skater’s official hotel) with the support of the Estonian Skating Union and in collaboration with the Estonian Anti-Doping Agency.

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It was a pleasing sight to not only witness out very young Skaters participating alongside their fellow teammates, contemporaries but also many Parents and coaches enquiring about the various aspects of clean sport, nutrition, fitness etc. and they also wanted to try the quizzes themselves.

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It was encouraging to see young Skaters not older than 16 that traipsed towards our booth in between their trainings and meal times, who were curious and intrigued to learn more about Clean Sport through Pure as Ice. The joy in receiving the awesome Pure as Ice goodies after participating in the Pure as Ice Kahoot! Quiz and WADA Play True Quiz was a sight to watch. Not to forget the fun they had while taking selfies on the Pure as Ice photo booth for their Instagrams #PUREASICE.

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It is absolutely important that through our Pure as Ice Clean Sport initiative we could reach out to many young Skaters from different countries. We, at the ISU believe that Education is always an essential first step towards Clean Sport Knowledge rather than Doping control for our young Skaters and we hope to continue such similar endeavours to significantly reach our younger Skaters.     

All in all the Pure as Ice campaign brought Skaters together that stems from the purpose behind Pure as Ice: to unify Skaters in solidarity for Clean Sport, that is the #PUREASICE spirit!!